
Membership is open to all mothers, expectant mothers, grandmothers, and legal guardians of multiples.

Membership benefits include monthly meetings, Spring and Fall yardsale, the annual MAPOM convention, Big Sis-Little Sis Program, Meals for new moms, family seasonal and holiday parties, and a lending library. Members are also entitled to benefits derived from FAMOMC'S membership in the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Club.

For more information, email our Membership Chair Mom at


Membership Dues are $30 per year. Due by August meeting each year.

Honorary and prospective members

Expectant mothers will be considered honorary members until four (4) months following their delivery. The club may also designate others to be honorary members and will define the terms of such membership. Honorary members will not be submitted for membership in the National Organization.

Prospective members shall be mothers or guardians of multiples, newborns or older, who approach the club, or are approached by the club regarding membership. They are entitled to four (4) complimentary newsletters with no obligations concerning membership.

National Organization of Mothers of Twins Club

A portion of the dues is applied to the membership in the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Club and includes a subscription to the National newsletter, Notebook.